
At Thorpe Farm you’ll find a range of modern facilities which all put the wellbeing of horses at the heart of what we do. Spacious, well-ventilated stables with automatic drinkers and rubber mats ensure a comfortable stay and plenty of rest.

Other yard and exercise facilities include a 40x 20m school, lunge pen, solarium and undercover horse walker. We use Equine Bio Genie to thoroughly disinfect stables between liveries and on all communal areas to keep the yard clean and safe for all our equine visitors. 

Andrews Bowen Gallop

Our gallop track is 5 furlongs long, and if you’re not sure what that translates into for non-racing people, there are 8 furlongs in a mile (so it’s slightly over half a mile and almost exactly a kilometer!).
The surface is an Andrew’s Bowen canter mix which gives a stable, cushioned and shock-absorbing surface for horses to work on. Gallop hire is available for riders of all ages and abilities and gives you exclusive use for 1 hour.

1 Hour Private Gallops Hire
(up to 4 horses) £15 +vat (£18) per horse


Our facilities include a Theraplate, a fantastic tool used by a wide range of horses including our rehabilitation liveries and competition horses. The patented Vortex Wave Therapy technology stimulates muscle contraction and increases circulation. The reported benefits of Theraplate sessions include:

  • Boosted circulation and an increase in muscle mass
  • Increased bone density
  • Reduced swelling and inflammation
  • Shorter healing times from wounds and abrasions
  • Speedy improvement in farriery issues such as quarter cracks

Learn more about the benefits of Theraplate and read customer case studies here.

TheraPlate Session
£15 + vat (£18)

Cross Country Field

Our cross-country field is the perfect place to give a young horse their first introduction to solid fences, tune up an experienced horse for a competition or simply visit for some schooling fun with friends. Our amazing selection of fences was designed and built to the highest standards by a British Eventing-accredited course designer and builder so that there’s something for everyone. We think they’ve really hit the mark with plenty of inviting fences to build confidence, as well as some combinations which provide a challenge for the more experienced horse and rider pairings.

Combining a visit to our cross-country field with a water treadmill session afterwards is the perfect way to build fitness and skill for eventers, hunters, and leisure horses alike!



Cross country field hire (1hr / per horse)
£30 + vat (£36)

Water Treadmill

  1. It’s low impact so kind on joints and soft tissue during rehab
  2. It helps improve muscle tone and core strength
  3. It boosts cardiovascular fitness thanks to the resistance work
  4. Used after canter or gallop work a water treadmill session can help decrease lactic acid in horses’ muscles
  5. It’s been seen to have a positive impact on stride length and pattern

Our water treadmill is enjoyed by

  • Young horses
  • Competition horses
  • Horses in rehab from injury or illness
  • Veteran and older horses

Water Treadmill Session
£40 + vat (£48)

The Newmarket Equine Salt Therapy System

Salt therapy is a non-invasive and 100% natural way to treat the symptoms of a range of respiratory and skin disorders. Salt has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties and our salt therapy chamber enables us to deliver those benefits to the respiratory system and lungs to help support the health of your horse or pony.

How it works:

  • Horses simply stand in our salt chamber (which looks just like a regular stable) and tiny airborne particles of salt (called aerosoles) are pumped in.
  • The aerosoles of salt are breathed in by the horse and travel deep into their lungs. The salt particles are totally dry so there’s no wetness or dust to cause issues.
  • Salt particles also settle on the horse’s coat where they work their way to sit next to the skin.
  • Sessions are normally 20 minutes long and the frequency depends on the reasons for the treatment (preventative or to ease symptoms!).

The salt therapy chamber is a drug-free and natural way to support your horse regardless of their age and workload and can be used to help treat or simply prevent many skin and respiratory disorders.

Salt Chamber Session
£30 + vat (£36)

Special Deals

Water Treadmill: Pay for 5 sessions and get 1 free (£200 + vat = £240)
** Valid for 6 months from the 1st water treadmill session **

Water Treadmill & 30 minute Gallops Combo £50 + vat (£60)

Want to get booked in?

If you’re keen to book in and use our facilities then head to our contact page on the button below to get in touch and secure you’re appointment.